Monday 28 May 2012

Girrafes and more!

sorry I haven't been on that much but I have been really sick anyway... Girrafes are here! and new parties including a bunnies only party!I hope those of you members out there love the new giraffes because I sure do! they are really cute mine looks like a baby at the is a picture! there is also a summer carnival coming up which sounds really cool! here is the new party too!
The double gems is the temple of trivia game at the temple of zios.I have decided to also occasionally post really nice and kind animal jammers up so here is our lucky first Ariellika!
She is really kind and caring and the best buddy I have had!I suggest that you meet her because she is also really fun to be with.
Half price dens too for two more weeks!
And last but not least I got another rabbit but this one is going to be an ice fairy!
Bye everyone and see you next time!

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